Why be a member?
ORIZZONTI s.r.l., as a manufacturer of agricultural machinery in the viticulture and fruit-growing sector, decided to immediately join the National Federation of Machinery Manufacturers for Agriculture as this organisation represents, both in Italy and abroad, manufacturers of agricultural, self-propelled and component machinery for the various sectors in agriculture.
The Federation was founded with the aim of recognising to the individual groups of which it is made up greater efficiency and autonomy, promoting policies of aggregation that streamline activities and systems of services for companies, and allowing the aggregation of further subjects.

FederUnacoma is a member of Confindustria in Italy, of CEMA, CECE, EGMF and Euromot in Europe. The activities of FederUnacoma are aimed at promoting the mechanisation of agricultural and energy oriented activities, the maintenance of public and private green spaces and earth movement, promoting development and technological renewal of mechanical parks both in Italy and abroad and providing assistance and innovative services to targeted support associations.
The FederUnacoma associated companies account for 80% of the national production of sectors represented, with exports equal to 60%.